Friday, 29 May 2020

Atatürk Secondary School Yunusemre Manisa. My students are doing pre-post surveys Eba and Pre-survey and General Evaluation Survey of the Project.

Atatürk Secondary School Yunusemre Manisa-Seçil Köklü Gülseven Teacher's Webinar and Online Meetings

Atatürk Secondary School Yunusemre Manisa. We use mentimeter tool on eTwinning Day ans asked them What does eTwinning mekan to you?

Atatürk Secondary School Yunusemre Manisa. My students are doing surveys of our project.

Atatürk Secondary School Yunusemre Manisa. Our Teacher's webinar about Instagram Live.

Atatürk Secondary School Yunusemre Manisa . Teacher's Webinar about EBA

Atatürk Secondary School Yunusemre Manisa. My student's Great performance .The Fire part 40 for our Audiobook.

Atatürk Secondary School Yunusemre Manisa.My student Emir vocalized ona of the Aesop's Fable The fox without Tail.

Atatürk Secondary School Yunusemre Manisa .My students Ebrar vocalized Shakespeare's sonnet 5 for our Audiobook

Atatürk Secondary School Yunusemre Manisa. My students like Coding.

Atatürk Secondary School Yunusemre Manisa. My students are preparing games for Mobile Application

Atatürk Secondary School Yunusemre/ Manisa.Seçil Köklü Gülseven .Student's Online meetings.

Atatürk Secondary School Yunusemre Manisa. My students are preparing Infographics.

Atatürk Secondary School Yunusemre Manisa. My students are doing Popplet task.

Atatürk Secondary School Yunusemre Manisa. My students are preparing and playing Dijital Games

Atatürk Secondary School Yunusemere/Manisa .My students are drawing animals by Autodraw for our Animal Dictionary.

Atatürk Secondary School Yunusemre/Manisa -While my students are preparing and revising with Liveworksheets.

Seçkin Öztekin- Darıca Süreyya Yalçın Secondary School -We uploaded the links of all digital works of my students on EBA :)

We uploaded the links of all digital works of my students :)

Seçkin Öztekin-Darıca Süreyya Yalçın Secondary School - Our distance learning activities :)

Seçkin Öztekin-Darıca Süreyya Yalçın Secondary School - My student says "Happy eTwinning Day" to you :)

Seçkin Öztekin- Darıca Süreyya Yalçın Secondary School

We often had online meeting with our partners.

Seçkin Öztekin- Darıca Süreyya Yalçın Secondary School - My students doing surveys of our project :)

My students doing surveys of our project :)

Seçkin Öztekin- Darıca Süreyya Yalçın Secondary School- My students drawing animals by autodraw for our animal dictionary

My students drawing animals by autodraw for our animal dictionary:)

Seçkin Öztekin- Darıca Süreyya Yalçın Secondary School- My students preparing and playing mobile application

My students preparing and playing mobile application:)

Seçkin Öztekin- Darıca Süreyya Yalçın Secondary School - My students creating and playing digital games :)

My students creating and playing digital games :)

Seçkin Öztekin- Darıca Süreyya Yalçın Secondary School - My students' great performances of audio books task

My students' great performances of audio books task :)

Seçkin Öztekin- Darıca Süreyya Yalçın Secondary School - My student preparing and studying live worksheets :)

My student preparing and studying live worksheets :)